We are now taking submissions for Pantomimes, Jukebox Musicals, Plays and Youth Plays. If you would like to send us your script for consideration, please email us at upstagepublications@outlook.com We aim to give you an answer within one month.
If your script is successful we will require you to format it to our house style (as below)
Font – Calibri (body), Size 10, Acts and Scenes centred and bold, ACTs in capitals
Stage directions in italics, leave space above and below. Unless it’s during a speech and then it should be in italics and brackets.
Diologue character names in bold – 2 spaces then speech not in bold. No line spaces between characters
Songs labelled by number, not name
Scene and Song headings not all in capitals
Don’t worry about page numbers, title page etc, we will add that. Please also send with your edited script a list of characters, list of suggested songs and list of scenes, together with a props and furniture list and any production notes, effects, sound and lighting notes
See example below